Pakistan No.1 Gaming Community
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PPG is a leading gaming community that offers a secure platform for members to discuss and trade. Our exclusive partner benefits empower businesses to thrive.
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A diverse community brought together by a shared fervor for gaming.
Community events Discussions News and Reviews
Esports Discussion
Esports is growing, but critics doubt its validity despite popular tournaments and investment.
Hardware talks cover computer components including processors, memory, storage, graphics cards and peripherals.

Battle of Champions Roadmap
TEKKEN 7 Karachi
A pivotal year which provided a tangible identity upon the online community, as PPG held its inaugural community meetup in Karachi. The turnout of attendees exceeded expectations, underscoring the significance of this maiden gathering. This event laid down a firm foundation for forthcoming occasions, solidifying a clear trajectory for future endeavors.
- Hardware Giveaways
- Community Engagment
- Gaming Sessions
CSGO Challengers
2020 The pivotal year that started it all, where a mere dream turned into a tangible reality. The Battle of Champions commenced with resounding triumph, highlighted by the iconic Arslan Ash clinching the victory in a legendary fashion. Amidst the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic, PPG held the CS:GO Challengers tournament. A heartfelt tribute to the resilient community. This event was not only a showcase of skill, but also a beacon of compassion. Half of the tournament's proceeds were dedicated to charitable endeavors, extending a helping hand to those grappling with the pandemic's adversities.
- Charity Donation
- First Tournament
- Community Meetup
Battle Of Champions
2021 In the remarkable sequel of 2020, the saga continued to unfold as the Battle of Champions entered its second season. Once again, the indomitable Arslan Ash emerged victorious, etching his name in the annals of history as the back-to-back champion.
- Community Meetup
- Hardware Giveaways
- Gaming Sessions
Coming full circle to our origins, we revisited the very beginning by hosting our second community meetup in Karachi—a monumental milestone that stands as our most significant gathering thus far. The resonance of this event reverberated profoundly, drawing an awe-inspiring turnout of over 300 attendees, surpassing all expectations.
- Community Meetup
- Giveaways
- Gaming Session